iPod Fun

A friend 'tagged' me on Facebook to do this, and thought I'd share. Kinda funny!

Here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

1. What's my mood like right now?
Human-Jon McLaughlin

2. How's tomorrow going to be for me?
Call Me When You Get This-Corinne Bailey Rae

3. What kind of person am I?
Crazy Little Thing Called Love-Queen

4. Am I loved?
The Fever-Garth Brooks

5. How can I achieve my highest potential?
A Foggy Day (in London Town)-Michael Buble

6. What should I do with my life?
Fight for Your Honor-Chicago

7. Is everything really going to be alright in the end?
Better is One Day-Kutless

8. What is my best quality?
Making Memories of Us-Keith Urban

9. How does my social life look?
Body Language-Queen

10. What's the meaning of life?
If I Have Not Love-Matt Redman

11. What do people think of me?
This Time-John Legend

12. How crazy am I?
Eyes-Rogue Wave

13. Where will I be a year from now?
Here Is Gone-Goo Goo Dolls

14. What is my fondest wish?
Fool for Love-Jonny Diaz

15. How did my parents meet?
The Maker-Dave Matthews Band

16. What will I dream about tonight?
Home-Shaun McDonald

17. What should I be working on right now?
Goodnight Goodnight-Maroon 5 (No joke! I need to be asleep right now! ha ha!)

18. What's my roommate up to currently?
Time Alone-Phil Joel

19. What did I do last weekend?
Tell Me Bout It-Joss Stone

20. Describe me.
You and Me-Plain White T's

21. What does my music player think of me?
This Is Your Life-The Killers

My coffee with its patriotic sleeve.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
- Franklin. D. Roosevelt

I woke up today excited. Excited that knowing history was being made in my country today; and I was determined to watch as much of the Inauguration Ceremony as possible. Being a history nerd, I LOVE this stuff. Watching all the diplomats, politicians, previous Presidents file through and being honored was so interesting to me. I was anxious as President Bush came through to take his seat, and even more nervous when President Obama was being announced as well. Seeing the small red box in First Lady Obama's hands was...so cool. (I can't think of the right words here) Knowing that THAT Bible was President Lincoln's; and she would be partaking in a ceremony watched by the world. I agreed in prayer while Rick Warren prayed, I was embarrassed and nervous for President Obama when he stumbled over his words while being sworn into office (who wouldn't be nervous??), cried when Aretha Franklin sang, and felt honored to be a citizen of this country.
I'm totally one of "those" who tears up at every National Anthem, at the patriotic videos before the movies, whose heart swells when I see attention on a flag, and thinks back to those who have served so faithfully for my freedom. I think of my father, who has served for 20 years in the military. My cousin who served two tours in Afganistan and Iraq, and who made it home safely. I think of my young brother, and his desire to serve and protect his country with such a tenacity; that he's pursuing every option available to him.

It's a great day in America! A New Day. New President. New hopes, dreams and plans to see those fulfilled. How can I not be proud to be an American?

OK, let me start off by saying this Xterra is only available for purchase by the manliest of men (or women). My friend, if it was possible for a vehicle to sprout chest hair and a five o'clock shadow, this Nissan would look like Tom Selleck. It is just that manly.

It was never intended to drive to the mall so you can pick up that adorable shirt at Abercrombie & Fitch that you had your eye on. It wasn't meant to transport you to yoga class or Linens & Things. No, that's what your Prius is for. If that's the kind of car you're looking for, then just do us all a favor and stop reading right now. I mean it. Just stop.

This car was engineered by 3rd degree ninja super-warriors in the highest mountains of Japan to serve the needs of the man that cheats death on a daily basis. They didn't even consider superfluous nancy boy amenities like navigation systems (real men don't get lost), heated leather seats (a real man doesn't let anything warm his butt), or On Star (real men don't even know what the hell On Star is).

No, this brute comes with the things us testosterone-fueled super action junkies need. It has a 265 HP engine to outrun the cops. It's got special blood/gore resistant upholstery. It even has a first-aid kit in the back. You know what the first aid kit has in it? A pint of whiskey, a stitch-your-own-wound kit and a hunk of leather to bite down on when you're operating on yourself. The Xterra also has an automatic transmission so if you're being chased by Libyan terrorists, you'll still be able to shoot your machine gun out the window and drive at the same time. It's saved my bacon more than once.

It has room for you and the four hotties you picked up on the way to the gym to blast your pecs and hammer your glutes. There's a tow hitch to pull your 50 caliber anti-Taliban, self cooling machine gun. I also just put in a new windshield to replace the one that got shot out by The Man. My price on this bad boy is an incredibly low $12,900, but I'll entertain reasonable offers. And by reasonable, I mean don't walk up and tell me you'll give me $5,000 for it. That's liable to earn you a Burmese-roundhouse-sphincter-kick with a follow up three fingered eye-jab. Would it hurt? Hell yeah. Let's just say you won't be the prettiest guy at the Coldplay concert anymore.

There's only 69,000 miles on this four-wheeled hellcat from Planet Kickass. Trust me, it will outlive you and the offspring that will carry your name. It will live on as a monument to your machismo.

Now, go look in the mirror and tell me what you see. If it's a rugged, no holds barred, super brute he-man macho Chuck Norris stunt double, then contact me. I might be out hang-gliding or BASE jumping or just chilling with my ladies, but I'll get back to you. And when I do, we'll talk about a price over a nice glass of Schmidt while we listen to Johnny Cash.

To sweeten the deal a little, I'm throwing in this pair of MC Hammer pants for the man with rippling quads that can't fit into regular pants. Yeah, you heard me. FREE MC Hammer pants.

Rock on.

MC Hammer pants free with purchase...could this deal be any sweeter?!

Wow, it was one busy Holiday Season!

I enjoyed every moment of it though...well...except for the 6 hour drive to Kentucky in a terrible storm! I met up with my family for an early Christmas in Gatlinburg, TN. We enjoyed the hot tub outside, a little east TN mountaintop skiing, SHOPPING, and of course tons and tons of laughter. My siblings CRACK ME UP!
We had the biggest surprise (well, we found out about a week beforehand), but my youngest brother Sam proposed to his girlfriend, Tiffany. Who would have thought that the youngest sibling would get married first? Christmas Eve we all headed in our different directions; me on my way to my dad's in Louisville, my other siblings to their significant other's, and my oldest brother in Virginia. My dad and I enjoyed some long over-due Daddy-Daughter time; which we thoroughly enjoyed! Christmas was low-key, brunch, gifts, Grandma's, etc. I loved it.
I headed back home to TN on Saturday night, just enough time to rest up and get packed for my New Years trip to Chicago with Trish! We had a great time, FROZE myself to death (what can I say, I'm from the south!), shopped, laughed, coffee'd it up and had a blast. We rang in the New Year on the shore of Lake Michigan with hundreds others, huddled together against the cold. Fireworks shot out over the Lake, it was beautiful. After we got back to our hotel, we changed and went down the the hotel's Bistro/Bar. It was so cool, all decked out and had a live jazz band. We enjoyed a late New Years drink then finally turned in around 2am.

As soon as I got back, I launched right in to 2009! It's crazy to think it's 2009! I have such an anticipation for this year (as do many of my friends), and an expection for it to be WAY different than last year. I'm going to try new things, conquer old habits, and LIVE MY LIFE. I'm planning a early spring/summer cruise with some friends, and hopefully a trip to Europe in the fall. I'm excited to meet new people, and do new things. I can't wait! I wish I could describe my excitement further.....

Sam and his Finacee Tiffany
The crew

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