Great Weekend!

I had a wonderful early Father's Day with my dad last week! I took a short trip beck to Kentucky to visit my dad, and spend time with my sister. Thursday evening we had dinner at Buckhead's on the River (a local favorite) and enjoyed Graeter's ice cream in the Highlands. My dad has a Jeep, so we cruised around town with the top down-loving every second of it!
Friday I visited CrossFit in Louisville (which kicked my butt), had dinner with my Grandma, pedicures with my sister, then a casual dinner with my dad before heading out for a late night with my friend Austin. Saturday dawned too early, so dad and I hit Starbucks before embarking on a morning of yard sale hunting. We ended up in Taylorsville, where we used to live back in the day. Oh, how it's changed! We had a great time.
I drove back Saturday afternoon and had dinner with Katie and Juston, and by then I was BEAT! Sunday was SUPER fun, some friends came over for a BBQ and to swim, we had a great time. Throughout the afternoon people were starting to head out, so a few of us went back to my place for ice cream and to chill. We ended up at Royal Thai for dinner....which leads me to why I am posting this today. I woke up this morning with a case of food poisoning!!! I've never had it before, and so far, it's not so fun.

But other than the effects of yesterday today, I had a fabulous weekend! What a way to kick off the summer!


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